
with Us

Our Vision

  • Our mission

    Share the Burden is a not-for-profit organisation committed to the enactment of suicide prevention and bereavement support across the Central Queensland community.

    We endeavor to achieve this through a range of ongoing campaigns to improve understanding, provide support and community to the survivors of suicide loss, improve access to education, and connect those in difficulty to relevant services.

  • Who are we?

    Share the Burden is an association of volunteers that all share lived experiences of suicide bereavement. Our losses and experiences have afforded us a detailed view of the suicide crisis, not only in our region, but the wider national community as well.

    Our losses have afforded us a unique insight into the feelings and experiences of those vulnerable to suicidality. We view these experiences as an opportunity to connect with and support those most at risk. Not only do we recognise this opportunity but view it as our responsibility to pledge our support to all those that can benefit from it.

  • What are we trying to achieve?

    Our goal is simple, make the change we want to see. We have several campaigns outlined that we feel make us stand out, see more about these on our operations page.

    Our primary goals are to offer support to and connect those in crisis; to increase the availability of qualified mental health support; to interconnect existing services and organisations in communities; to provide support and community to the survivors of suicide loss; and to improve the education culture around mental health and suicidality. We’re looking to work with schools to identify and close gaps in this area.



November 23, 2024

2Km Walking Circuit

We're asking everyone to wear something yellow! We'd love to see a sea of yellow clothes marching in solidarity together.

This support event is an initiative of Share the Burden in support of International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, instituted by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

We aim to bring more awareness and support to those left in the wake of suicide. We want to show our support through a walk event, where we can walk together as survivors, for survivors. We're supporting International Survivors of Suicide Day. We warmly invite you all to join us in our efforts to show our support to our communities, walk #WithUs this year and be part of something big.


Our Operations

Our goal is simple, make the change we want to see. We have several campaigns outlined that we feel make us stand out. We believe that we can make significant progress in this field and aim to develop a community network of support, initiatives, and services that can help unify the greater mental health environment.

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